Darkfall unholy wars server population
Darkfall unholy wars server population

darkfall unholy wars server population

There will always be players leaving the game for various reasons (in game frustration, family life, work, winning to much) and if there are more player leaving the game than joining it will snowball really quickly. So about the current population ? Well it’s okay, but BPG really has to pull out major shit in the upcoming weeks/months (including re-marketing the game) in order to counteract player attrition. We all know that fresh players judge a game a lot from the content that is being added during the first month of play (and yes housing was added, but let’s all be honest, that’s not exactly retention stuff since is high end grind, I even would go as far as saying that it might have been counter productive). In my opinion the server issues dealt a very bad blow to activity : not only because of the impact it directly had on population, but mostly because it diverted BPG limited ressources to a technicality that should have not happened in the first place. Then came the month long server desync and lag issues when activity dropped, and it’s only now picking up again. But some fresh players definitely got hooked witch is awesome.

darkfall unholy wars server population

Considering the last beta months and imho the lack of advertisement, that’s a pretty good number, the problem is that being given DFO’s abysmal retention rate, it was imo not good enough in the long run. RoA’s release attracted around 10K players (CCU or accounts, that remains to be seen).

Darkfall unholy wars server population